We do this with our reflective artificial intelligence technology. Osmo uses the screen to create a new healthy, hands-on learning experience that promotes creativity, problem-solving and social interaction. You can find them at: * Please see our device compatibility list here: ĪBOUT OSMO - 21ST CENTURY PLAY AND LEARNING Osmo Base and Osmo Sketchpad are required to play. * This is the app companion to the Osmo Super Studio adventure. You’ll get expert help, sketch lessons and instant feedback-so you can reach animation domination in no time! A magical, immersive way to connect to Mickey and all of his friends. I’ll gladly add the other two stars once there’s a solution for those of us that need to use Guided Access.Draw and animate your very own Disney Show!.īecome best pals with Mickey & Friends as they get ready for their latest Disney adventure! We need to be able to just leave the iPads plugged in on their bases and open for use, and know that they aren’t being used for anything else. Guided Access is a big deal to us because we have these iPads set up as dedicated learning stations that are out of our sight. While this would have an effect on required iPad resources, it should be fine since this is the only thing these iPads are used for. a single app that includes all of the Osmo games). The fundamental flaw is that there isn’t a version of this app that is compatible with Guided Access (i.e. I’ll add a star once this bug has been corrected.
And for what it’s worth, this launcher opens the Numbers Toybox correctly (Osmo’s other paid app). I should mention that the Word Explorers app open correctly from it’s own icon, so the problem is definitely this launcher app. It keeps directing me to buy the Genius Kit, which I already have installed, and my son has played at length. The bug is that it won’t open the Word Explorers app (the paid app, not the one that came with the Genius Kit). This umbrella “launcher” app works pretty well for how it was designed, but it has a bug and a fundamental flaw.